
Archive for October, 2010

Tru dat

October 30, 2010 Leave a comment

I present to you the “Spirrit of Truth” it starts getting good at about 3:45 … you fucking nincome fucking poop ….

The devil is a mutha @#$%ing liar



I’m @#$%ing pissed…..

October 20, 2010 2 comments

that’s right I’m extra frickin pissed right now and its time to let’er rip and get some things off my chest….

There is this guy at work that keeps calling me Bobby he has been doing it for years. Periodically I correct him but it’s like he doesn’t even know what I’m saying. The most resent time I corrected him he stared perplexed at me for like 30 sec. and then was like “….. oh I thought you were someone else…” 

I almost blew my top I was like “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you didn’t think I was some one else …. you just CAN’T GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD THAT MY NAME IS  B   I  L   L   Y ”

For fuck sake I saw him in the cafeteria ten minutes ago … “hey bobby how you doing” …. me …”I’m fanfuckingtastic”. Now in this case I can say something that I rarely ever get to say and that is: I think the problem here is him and not me, really everything you need to know about this guys begins and ends with the fact that he wears a Members Only jacket on a regular basis … and not in an attempt to be on trend with the retro 80’s thing that’s going on ….. but in a I bought this jacket in 1985 and have been wearing consistently ever since type of way …. so clearly he is a little out of touch with “what’s going on”. I mean he is a nice guy and all but I still want to smack the shit out of him every time he calls me bobby. Maybe next time I’ll tell him “yes that s right it’s me bobby BUT just yesterday I got my name legally changed to Billy …..”





is up with all these god damn passwords I just counted and to do my work on, lets say a weekly basis, I need no less than 7……

yes 7

no I’m not kidding seven

S.  E.  V.  E.  N.

moutherfuckingsevengoddamn passwords. That is totally totally out of control. It’s not like we are holding the recipe for the secret damn sauce that’s on Big Mac‘s or something …. it’s the freaking highway department ….. the information on our computer systems make me want to stab myself in the eye … AND I’M GETTING PAID TO DEAL WITH IT there is no way that some teenager in eastern europe is going to waste their time trying to break in here……

Just to make things fun and add another level “HA HA” (nelson style) to the whole thing …. at least half of them have to be CHANGED EVERY MONTH ….

WAIT I’m lying …. and this is the  Pièce de résistance of the whole dirty Sanchez ….. you don’t have to change them every month you have to change them every 30 days

and why the hell did someone come up with the idea that all the months should have different number of days … can’t they all be the same except for February and then just make February what ever it needs to be to work things out ….. because really I’ve got enough problem without all this BS.

SO I feel much better now you can all return to your regularly scheduled programing………….

Categories: Rants Tags: , ,

its the WeEkEndz…

October 14, 2010 Leave a comment

do U wanna be my datez?

why you ask …..?


ya dig….

Sister Wives ……. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little…..

October 7, 2010 12 comments

As I have documented Tv in this country is becoming a clear visual record of the deterioration of western civilization, but now we’ve hit a new low….

Have you seen the ads for this ‘Sister Wives‘ show? Unbelievable are you freaking kidding me, at first I just assumed that it couldn’t possible be a show about polygamy, so I thought it must be something else and they are using the title as a sort of double entendre in order to raise curiosity about the show.


As per usual I’ve been expecting way too much from TLC …. ‘The Learning Channel … how can they call it that. With shows like this, “I didn’t know I was Pregnant”, and “Paralyzed and Pregnant” The Learning Channel has literally become trashier than VH1 (and that is a pretty damn epic thing to be able to say).

The show is about some guy who is married to 3 different women (and has a fiancée). I think the wives are not actually sisters although it would be even better if they were, they just tell people they’re sisters to hide the fact that they’re dirty polygamist …. which is smart since they are now displaying the fact that they are polygamist on national TV. Some people are into polygamy for religious reasons, but it is painfully obvious that this Ed Hardy wearing douche is nothing more than a good old fashion hustler. On one of the commercials it shows him talking to one of the wives and she is like “I can’t help it I have these jealousy issues….” hmmmmmm I wonder why that could be ….. maybe it has something to do with the fact that YOUR HUSBAND IS MARRIED TO TWO OTHER WOMAN AND HAS A GIRLFRIEND…… and if you look through the wives and girlfriends it becomes obvious that he is simply trading in on a new model every few years … in point:



together they have 13 children who suspiciously resemble “the children of the corn” … so riddle me this if you’re properly caring for and emotionally sharing yourself with 3 different wives and 13 children how the hell do you find time to meet and court a girlfriend …. ? Answer you don’t. My personal opinion is that  the new wife who appears much more “uptown” and obviously much younger than the rest of the harem is most likely an actress hired by TLC since apparently the plot line of the show is the surprise of a “new wife” and how everyone deals with it…….

One review explains:

The family is not breaking any laws since only one of the marriages is legal and the rest are “commitment marriages,” and right off the bat there’s a big announcement that will affect the family’s future — you guessed it, a fourth sister wife.

COMMITMENT MARRIAGES …. wtf …. I don’t think you get it ….. when people say they are in a committed relationship they mean they are committed to not seeing (I’m guessing marrying is included in “seeing”) other people. How can you have a COMMITTED marriage with someone who is MARRIED TO TWO OTHER WOMEN AND HAS A GIRLFRIEND …. It’s easy really you have zero self-esteem, and hustlers like Mr. Brown are very skilled at picking you out of the crowd.

As it sank into me, after seeing the commercials several times, that this was in fact a show on polygamy my main thought was isn’t that illegal how the hell can they have a show documenting someone breaking the law. low and behold:

Judgment Day in ‘Sister Wives’ Polygamy Case

The Utah County Attorney has confirmed … the Lehi Police Department has completed their felony bigamy investigation into Kody Brown and his gigantic family — and the case has been turned over to the Utah County Attorney … who will ultimately decide whether or not to charge the family with a crime..

ooooh looks like taping and broadcasting to the nation your criminal lifestyle was not such a good idea…..

Kody Brown — who has 3 wives, a fiancée and 13 children — claims he was aware of the risk he was taking when he decided to put his family on the TLC reality show … but insists it was a “risk worth taking.”

Translation I wanted a nice payday, I obviously don’t care how my actions impact anyone but myself, publicly displaying that I have 4 wives who are shooting out children for me right and left makes me feel more “manly”, and I think I’m smooth enough to charm my way out of any trouble. This is how hustlers (con men, psychopaths) think further demonstrating his true nature. He doesn’t care at all how the consequences of  all this effect his family or children anymore than he cares what type of impact marring and dating other women has on his wive(s).

Although I find this distasteful, at the end of the day what these people do is their business, and not anything I would get involved in, BUT once you bring it to reality TV it’s everyone’s business. This is what really pisses me off that this guy is attempting to profit from his questionable lifestyle, and he tries to pass it off as “ok” or “normal”. If you want to be a creep thats your business, but don’t come to me, or go on air, trying to pass it off as “ok”. I hope they get convicted primarily since in most places it is illegal for a criminal to profit from their crimes. In this case it would be prefect punishment for this douche, who is using his wife and kids (who he already treats like shit) to make a quick buck, to end up going through all this and getting nothing.

P.S. – shame on anyone who watches this trash you are part of the problem …. people complain about Larry Flint et al. but frankly the stuff they have on TLC now days is much more vulgar than a titty…. or people having sex.

Add This to the WTF file

October 5, 2010 Leave a comment

So I’m watching Discovery I.D. and there is a story on about how this old lady was brutally murder. They brought this one guy in and he is all like ” what you boys wanna talk about…”

and they were like “Ms. xxxxxx”

and he was like “…oh ya her …. I killed that lady”

Then they ask him for details and he starts telling the whole story ….. I was like, man that was easy, but then they were like the details he was telling us did not match with the crime ….. turns out it wasn’t him the cops were like ‘ya he was in bad shape he had been smoking crack and shooting Oxycontin‘.

This guys is hella lucky b/c most places as soon as he confessed the cops would be like “getta rope” they wouldn’t give a crap if he was the right guy just that the cases was solved..

and …. how wasted do you have to be to roll into the cop station and confess to a brutal murder you didn’t do….




I mean was he like this is going to be hilarious when I admit to this murder ….. oooooh I got you guys good

I’ve been wasted before, in about every way you can possibly imagine and I don’t think this thought has ever even crossed my mind … streaking or falling asleep at a stop light with your pants down is one thing, but falsely confessing to murder …. dude it’s definitely time for rehab, I’m pretty sure this is in the pamphlet “you might have a problem if ….. you’ve ever confessed to a brutal murder you didn’t do while wasted…..”

At least now a couple of years from now when he’s sitting around with his buddies they’ll have a good story … “hey T-bone remember that time you confessed to first degree murder….”