
Archive for the ‘Pictorial’ Category

Back !! foto essay

August 10, 2010 1 comment

So some times you get to a point where you just have to head out on the highway and

I headed out to pass through Louisville on my way to Nashville

apparently Art Deco is big in L-ville …. not that I have a problem with this:
IMG_0505 done

IMG_0504 done

Louisville seemed like a nice place but I was not there for long. They have a little night spot called “4th Street”, It was a bit “corporate” kind of like one of the night spots you would see in Disney World so It lacked the character of 6th street (which suspect might be it’s namesake) or Bourbon street. But it was nice and had several night clubs and restaurants with a atrium in-between I only walk though so I can’t really say any more than that.

Now it was time to mount up and ride out to claim my rightfully due fame and fortune from a whirlwind country music career, so I headed to Nashville.

Nashville is a WicKeD place
IMG_0514 s1

With lots of interesting people ….
not sure if the drapes matched the rug, but they defiantly matched the jeans!

And the worlds largest wireless router.

Some one working in city planning in Nashville has a sense of hummor!

I hit broadway to get a feel for the local surroundings and find some hook ups to get my music career started.


As my career kicked off I got lots of advice

But it wasn’t helping so I decided to go straight to the source … Hank Williams!

Hank was a swell fellow and he had great stage costumes I got a picture of my favorite:
IMG_0544 - Copy

He gave me some good advice and at the end of our talk he told me

Right around this time it became clear to me that the life of a country musician was not for me

then walking home I saw
Not sure where the 40 thieves where and I wasn’t going to hang around to find out so I packed up my bag and stole away in the night back to Baton Rouge.

At least Hank and I will always have August in Nashville….

As far as my Country music career this pretty much sums it up…

[tweetmeme source=1billy1 only_single=false]

Scenes From My Hood

June 28, 2010 Leave a comment

(bare in mind I know nothing about photograph, my camera sucks, and I use Microsoft picture manager to try to process images …. FML)

If you see the blurry look to the second to last picture that’s not some crazy photosoftware effect, it’s that I got chicken grease on the camera lens …. true story …. #veryawsome

Categories: Pictorial Tags:

Code Rat …. Me likes

June 22, 2010 Leave a comment

you can listen to the used to be really into them (phish) circa 1994 – 1996.

this song is not my favorite song by them BUT this specific playing of this song is my favorite thing i’ve ever heard by them you have to listen to the whole thing b/c the best part is not till near the end.

Oh ya it’s from 06-11-1994 at red rocks (colorado) IIRC.

Happily ever after...

Categories: Pictorial

Best Laid wEEkenD pLanZ

June 12, 2010 Leave a comment

this is what im getting up to this weekend:

FIERCE!! beast status…

Any questions?

What are U doing?

Categories: Pictorial, Stuff Thats Awesome Tags:

Todays the day

June 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Went in the field at work today. There was a wreck on the road and we were stopped for like 30 minutes and got out of the truck and walked around a bit while doing so I took the above picture. Then we got back in the car and of course the whole time i was like RawR RawR RawR what the hell….why can’t the fire trucks and the ambulance just take up half the road….why don’t the cops quit sitting around and direct traffic….blah….blah. The guy in the truck with me was like it has been awhile maybe someone died…………………..boom……………….I only ever think about how anything effects me…..What am I in such a hurry to do…..always about getting there or being done with that….but really It’s so much more about being where i’m at which is always just where im supposed to be….so why would I hurry…..It’s so much better when I don’t

Did some one die or get hurt in the wreck….I don’t know….its as unknow to me as the story of this sign what was it before it was this rusted broke down shell of is former self…..maybe I’ll try to think less about the future and the past and myself…..maybe that will be better maybe even a little more “PURE”…..then when we got to the site right next to the bridge was this…

who knows why or when but it is a little reminder, and i’m no fanatic……I’m thinking much more broadly than that maybe a reminder that there is something beyond us but involved with us and maybe I really am pure ly always just where I’m supposed to be…………it made me smile!

ok now i’m going to go out side and video tape a plastic bag blowing around in the wind ; ) lol…..CYAS

~Le Singe