Home > Uncategorized > Is it just me or…..

Is it just me or…..

So I saw this week that singer Amy winehouse (sp? w/e) is in trouble cause someone taped her while she was smoking crack, and the tape got out (it always does doesn’t it). What I want to know is …who the f**k lets someone tape them smoking crack????? shouldn’t you be hiding in the closet or at least hunched down by the window peeping out the blinds b/c you know at any minute “their” going to kick the door in?……..I guess maybe some people aren’t so extreme, but letting someone film you……LOL I wish they would have caught her digging in the carpet looking for the last bit and smoking bread crumbs or lint she found.
And another thing is why at the bottom of the form for typing in a blog is there a thing that says “tell us what you’re reading viewing, or listening to:” and there are choices such as reading a book, watching a dvd, playing video games….No I’m not doing any of that crap because …I’m f**King TYPING A BLOG?!?
It’s probably just me….
Categories: Uncategorized
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